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Non-stop flights from OMA Omaha NE

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Omaha NE (OMA).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 210 821 86% 2.12 1.82 449.98
Charlotte NC CLT 90 913 91% 2.54 2.05 445.37
Chicago IL MDW 94 423 92% 1.35 1.07 393.81
Chicago IL ORD 272 416 88% 1.69 1.14 366.33
Dallas TX DAL 31 586 93% 1.70 1.40 418.89
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 119 583 91% 1.84 1.41 414.11
Denver CO DEN 275 472 88% 1.63 1.19 396.90
Detroit MI DTW 89 651 68% 1.94 1.55 419.09
Houston TX HOU 31 804 86% 2.22 1.95 412.19
Houston TX IAH 90 781 83% 2.22 1.88 414.85
Las Vegas NV LAS 110 1099 89% 2.71 2.36 465.80
Los Angeles CA LAX 40 1330 85% 3.27 2.84 467.97
Minneapolis MN MSP 180 282 71% 1.20 0.85 331.22
Nashville TN BNA 4 612 77% 1.62 1.40 437.14
New York NY LGA 30 1148 73% 2.83 2.47 464.78
Orlando FL MCO 24 1211 86% 2.93 2.54 477.63
Phoenix AZ AZA 9 1026 93% 2.44 2.18 471.12
Phoenix AZ PHX 91 1037 94% 2.61 2.27 457.09
Salt Lake City UT SLC 94 840 87% 2.49 2.11 398.82
Sanford FL SFB 13 1195 87% 2.78 2.47 483.96
Seattle WA SEA 48 1368 92% 3.58 3.16 433.33
Sioux Falls SD FSD 3 163 43% 1.27 0.68 238.54
St. Louis MO STL 31 342 91% 1.10 0.86 398.82
St. Petersburg FL PIE 9 1188 91% 2.78 2.49 477.32
Tampa FL TPA 5 1190 88% 2.72 2.47 481.13
Valparaiso FL VPS 8 911 76% 2.15 1.91 476.34
Washington DC DCA 30 1012 90% 2.37 2.11 480.38

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from OMA, nonstop flights from Omaha NE, nonstop flights OMA to, direct flights from Omaha NE, OMA airport, Omaha NE airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: helicopter, to, book flight, price, flight booking, travel agent, fare, flights from, schedule, cheapest flights, busiest airport, direct flight, itinerary, reservation, airport ranking, and air travel in general.

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