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Non-stop flights from GEG Spokane WA

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Spokane WA (GEG).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 31 1969 90% 4.28 3.94 499.64
Boise ID BOI 62 287 88% 1.08 0.86 331.98
Charlotte NC CLT 2 2060 90% 4.59 4.04 509.69
Chicago IL MDW 26 1511 92% 3.36 3.08 490.05
Chicago IL ORD 62 1498 83% 3.57 3.06 490.28
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 64 1477 94% 3.43 3.02 489.36
Denver CO DEN 192 836 85% 2.20 1.83 457.30
Las Vegas NV LAS 77 806 87% 2.25 1.89 426.10
Los Angeles CA LAX 89 945 76% 2.77 2.32 406.70
Minneapolis MN MSP 62 1175 94% 2.62 2.34 502.01
Missoula MT MSO 2 169 68% 0.97 0.70 241.43
Oakland CA OAK 57 723 79% 2.05 1.78 405.22
Phoenix AZ PHX 107 1020 87% 2.70 2.34 435.14
Portland OR PDX 125 279 68% 1.10 0.86 326.09
Sacramento CA SMF 26 649 90% 1.88 1.52 427.55
Salt Lake City UT SLC 126 546 86% 1.68 1.32 415.14
San Diego CA SAN 31 1027 82% 2.71 2.38 431.79
San Francisco CA SFO 93 733 85% 2.20 1.91 383.55
San Jose CA SJC 53 742 77% 2.12 1.88 395.30
Santa Ana CA SNA 38 962 79% 2.66 2.35 409.13
Seattle WA SEA 669 224 76% 1.15 0.80 281.66

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from GEG, nonstop flights from Spokane WA, nonstop flights GEG to, direct flights from Spokane WA, GEG airport, Spokane WA airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: faa, airport, airport club, flight booking, book flight, crow flies, mph, flight tracker, price, direct flight, adventure travel, schedule, flights from, and air travel in general.

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