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Non-stop flights from PVD Providence RI

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Providence RI (PVD).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 70 903 95% 2.49 2.11 428.35
Baltimore MD BWI 91 327 95% 1.31 0.96 340.02
Boston MA BOS 4 49 94% 0.72 0.27 183.75
Charlotte NC CLT 110 683 94% 2.14 1.76 387.87
Chicago IL MDW 55 842 91% 2.38 2.06 408.68
Chicago IL ORD 122 849 94% 2.66 2.15 394.58
Cincinnati OH CVG 9 722 83% 2.09 1.76 411.27
Detroit MI DTW 85 615 94% 1.98 1.58 389.24
Fort Lauderdale FL FLL 18 1188 93% 3.08 2.65 447.68
Fort Myers FL RSW 6 1200 89% 3.09 2.76 435.48
Hartford CT BDL 2 67 95% 0.97 0.30 223.33
Miami FL MIA 16 1209 63% 3.27 2.72 444.86
Minneapolis MN MSP 31 1117 85% 2.92 2.61 427.93
Myrtle Beach SC MYR 8 690 63% 2.41 1.82 379.82
Nantucket MA ACK 30 78 37% 0.82 0.61 127.29
Newark NJ EWR 27 160 81% 1.23 0.67 237.80
Orlando FL MCO 117 1072 94% 2.83 2.40 446.51
Philadelphia PA PHL 127 237 84% 1.29 0.91 260.67
Punta Gorda FL PGD 14 1184 91% 3.04 2.73 433.93
Tampa FL TPA 69 1136 91% 3.02 2.69 423.01
Teterboro NJ TEB 2 150 41% 1.00 0.78 193.55
Washington DC DCA 63 356 92% 1.44 1.12 319.11
Washington DC IAD 78 371 90% 1.56 1.19 310.83

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from PVD, nonstop flights from Providence RI, nonstop flights PVD to, direct flights from Providence RI, PVD airport, Providence RI airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: international flight, cheap flights, usa, mph, destination, seat, vacation, direct flight, red eye flight, faa, distance calculator, upgrade, distance between, hub, arrival, busiest airport, schedule, load factor, commercial flights, and air travel in general.

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