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Non-stop flights from ACK Nantucket MA

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Nantucket MA (ACK).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Bar Harbor ME BHB 2 237 68% 1.30 1.05 225.71
Bedford MA BED 22 105 30% 0.85 0.67 157.32
Boston MA BOS 414 91 58% 0.78 0.58 155.85
Bridgeport CT BDR 3 160 100% 1.30 1.13 141.18
Charlotte NC CLT 13 723 85% 2.46 2.01 359.43
Chicago IL ORD 22 924 69% 2.99 2.39 386.46
East Hampton NY HTO 2 116 12% 0.85 0.45 257.78
Hyannis MA HYA 400 31 39% 0.33 0.26 119.36
Lancaster PA LNS 5 337 48% 2.16 1.89 177.99
Martha's Vineyard MA MVY 28 30 26% 0.28 0.22 136.22
New Bedford/Fall River MA EWB 127 55 43% 0.50 0.39 139.51
New York NY JFK 129 199 54% 1.09 0.69 287.47
New York NY LGA 49 202 50% 1.13 0.80 252.93
Newark NJ EWR 114 218 59% 1.47 0.89 244.69
North Kingstown RI ZXU 2 74 56% 0.60 0.30 246.67
Norwood MA OWD 29 87 71% 0.79 0.58 148.85
Philadelphia PA PHL 28 289 87% 1.54 1.07 268.99
Providence RI PVD 30 78 41% 0.80 0.59 132.08
Teterboro NJ TEB 66 211 71% 1.19 0.97 217.59
Toronto Canada YYZ 3 517 18%
Washington DC DCA 57 405 73% 1.61 1.21 334.65
Washington DC IAD 37 423 84% 1.81 1.33 318.97
White Plains NY HPN 267 191 51% 1.11 0.93 204.68

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from ACK, nonstop flights from Nantucket MA, nonstop flights ACK to, direct flights from Nantucket MA, ACK airport, Nantucket MA airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: non-stop, nonstop, plane, domestic flight, faa, flight number, commercial flights, tracking, arrival, distance calculator, seat, fly, and air travel in general.

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