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Non-stop flights from TEB Teterboro NJ

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Teterboro NJ (TEB).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Block Island RI BID 2 132 31% 0.75 0.55 240.00
East Farmingdale NY FRG 2 35 27% 0.68 0.41 85.71
Figari France FSC 2 4152 31%
Fort Lauderdale FL FLL 2 1077 66% 2.77 2.52 427.95
Hyannis MA HYA 3 205 41% 1.30 1.07 192.19
Jackson WY JAC 2 1876 26% 4.51 4.22 444.90
Kerry County Ireland KIR 2 3067 67%
Las Vegas NV LAS 2 2232 13% 5.21 4.66 479.14
Martha's Vineyard MA MVY 48 184 56% 1.01 0.78 236.15
Miami FL OPF 4 1090 38% 2.88 2.61 417.89
Milan Italy LIN 2 4029 22%
Montreal Canada YUL 2 319 43%
Nantucket MA ACK 82 211 65% 1.18 0.92 229.93
Nice France NCE 2 3996 60%
Oakland CA OAK 2 2558 57% 5.50 5.31 481.88
Olbia Italy OLB 3 4192 52%
Paris France LBG 2 3635 10%
Portland ME PWM 2 272 7% 1.15 0.79 343.58
Portsmouth NH PSM 3 227 50% 0.97 0.77 296.09
Providence RI PVD 2 150 45% 0.93 0.60 250.00
Provincetown MA PVC 2 216 62% 1.25 0.95 227.37
San Jose CA SJC 2 2552 51% 5.56 5.36 476.27
Southampton NY N4Y 4 84 2% 0.72 0.68 124.44
Syracuse NY SYR 2 188 37% 1.35 0.85 221.18
Tel Aviv Israel TLV 2 5681 14%
Toronto Canada YYZ 28 346 39%
Van Nuys CA VNY 8 2456 60% 5.55 5.18 474.21
Washington DC IAD 5 223 20% 1.16 0.88 253.41
White Plains NY HPN 4 24 4% 0.70 0.30 81.13

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from TEB, nonstop flights from Teterboro NJ, nonstop flights TEB to, direct flights from Teterboro NJ, TEB airport, Teterboro NJ airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: airport code, airline fleet, ticket, and air travel in general.

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