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Non-stop flights from ORF Norfolk VA

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Norfolk VA (ORF).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 202 516 95% 1.64 1.30 395.74
Austin TX AUS 2 1319 96% 3.83 3.34 394.71
Baltimore MD BWI 93 159 90% 0.90 0.59 267.64
Boston MA BOS 37 468 73% 1.60 1.18 395.19
Charlotte NC CLT 203 290 89% 1.36 0.90 320.82
Chicago IL MDW 39 704 89% 2.00 1.70 414.22
Chicago IL ORD 211 717 86% 2.29 1.83 392.22
Cincinnati OH CVG 9 485 77% 1.80 1.22 396.82
Cleveland OH CLE 9 435 82% 1.50 1.20 362.50
Columbus OH LCK 8 417 47% 1.40 1.10 379.09
Dallas TX DAL 4 1203 95% 3.02 2.71 443.50
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 117 1212 91% 3.11 2.69 449.79
Denver CO DEN 65 1553 94% 3.84 3.42 453.89
Detroit MI DTW 90 529 86% 1.79 1.43 369.83
Fort Lauderdale FL FLL 8 781 88% 2.12 1.80 433.89
Houston TX IAH 62 1201 93% 3.15 2.73 440.60
Jacksonville FL JAX 9 542 87% 1.68 1.38 393.39
Miami FL MIA 31 802 90% 2.20 1.92 417.97
Nashville TN BNA 36 585 88% 1.77 1.43 408.01
New York NY JFK 2 290 86% 1.64 1.12 259.70
New York NY LGA 93 296 87% 1.27 0.93 319.29
Newark NJ EWR 50 284 88% 1.46 1.00 282.77
Orlando FL MCO 45 655 91% 1.97 1.52 429.66
Philadelphia PA PHL 171 212 84% 1.13 0.71 298.37
Pittsburgh PA PIT 8 330 57% 1.20 0.86 382.61
Richmond VA RIC 5 75 96% 0.66 0.41 184.43
San Diego CA SAN 14 2330 98% 5.09 4.83 481.95
Sanford FL SFB 14 631 86% 1.79 1.49 424.71
St. Petersburg FL PIE 9 726 86% 1.87 1.59 456.92
Washington DC DCA 88 142 85% 0.91 0.58 246.63
Washington DC IAD 95 157 77% 0.96 0.61 256.49

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from ORF, nonstop flights from Norfolk VA, nonstop flights ORF to, direct flights from Norfolk VA, ORF airport, Norfolk VA airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: destination, stats, passenger, from, calculate distance, and air travel in general.

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