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Non-stop flights from VNY Van Nuys CA

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Van Nuys CA (VNY).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Aspen CO ASE 4 731 59% 1.90 1.68 434.26
Atlanta GA PDK 2 1952 68% 4.25 4.01 486.99
Bangor ME BGR 2 2708 25% 2.71 2.58 1048.26
Cabo San Lucas Mexico CSL 2 933 65%
Chicago IL MDW 4 1746 52% 3.97 3.65 477.81
Coeur d'Alene ID COE 2 940 76% 2.20 1.95 482.05
Denver CO APA 3 840 40% 2.17 1.83 458.18
East Farmingdale NY FRG 2 2490 50% 5.34 4.97 500.50
Honolulu HI HNL 2 2554 30% 5.73 5.47 466.48
Houston TX HOU 2 1396 70% 3.12 2.92 478.63
Kona HI KOA 5 2504 40% 5.56 5.32 470.68
Lake Tahoe CA TVL 3 334 7% 1.04 0.80 417.50
Las Vegas NV HSH 2 226 8% 1.08 0.68 334.81
Las Vegas NV LAS 4 229 60% 1.23 0.68 337.18
Lexington KY LEX 2 1903 36% 3.95 3.75 507.47
Mammoth Lakes CA MMH 3 237 48% 1.00 0.78 304.71
Moss Town The Bahamas GGT 2 2664 69%
Oakland CA OAK 6 320 12% 1.33 1.04 306.38
Page AZ PGA 2 438 19% 1.27 1.00 438.00
Phoenix AZ PHX 3 376 27% 1.29 1.07 352.50
Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands PLS 2 2925 48%
San Francisco CA SFO 3 320 2% 1.16 0.88 362.26
Santa Ana CA SNA 3 51 7% 0.65 0.38 133.04
Teterboro NJ TEB 8 2456 53% 5.10 4.79 513.23
Thermal CA TRM 2 140 31% 1.06 0.68 207.41
Toronto Canada YYZ 3 2171 11%
Vancouver Canada YVR 2 1062 14%
Westhampton NY FOK 3 2531 58% 5.52 5.15 491.46
White Plains NY HPN 2 2473 35% 2.73 2.43 1016.30

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from VNY, nonstop flights from Van Nuys CA, nonstop flights VNY to, direct flights from Van Nuys CA, VNY airport, Van Nuys CA airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: upgrade, airport, reservation, and air travel in general.

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