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Non-stop flights from STT Charlotte Amalie VI

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Charlotte Amalie VI (STT).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 93 1599 83% 3.77 3.38 472.66
Augusta GA AGS 2 1476 79% 4.83 3.70 398.92
Boston MA BOS 2 1693 51% 5.72 5.34 316.94
Charlotte NC CLT 91 1520 80% 3.73 3.37 451.71
Chicago IL ORD 8 2115 73% 5.04 4.60 459.57
Christiansted VI STX 484 45 72% 0.40 0.30 150.00
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 59 2225 77% 5.14 4.72 471.39
Fort Lauderdale FL FLL 41 1107 80% 2.92 2.42 456.84
Houston TX IAH 30 2070 77% 4.88 4.38 472.42
Miami FL MIA 96 1107 66% 2.86 2.40 461.38
New York NY JFK 59 1623 71% 3.99 3.58 453.61
Newark NJ EWR 67 1634 63% 4.31 3.78 432.35
Orlando FL MCO 34 1246 78% 3.51 2.89 430.46
Philadelphia PA PHL 29 1605 83% 3.93 3.60 445.69
Road Town British Virgin Islands EIS 49 29 47%
San Juan PR SJU 356 68 64% 0.58 0.41 164.27
Washington DC IAD 31 1606 91% 4.04 3.73 430.67

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from STT, nonstop flights from Charlotte Amalie VI, nonstop flights STT to, direct flights from Charlotte Amalie VI, STT airport, Charlotte Amalie VI airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: calculate distance, plane, travel agent, air travel, international travel, price, fare, passenger, reservation, statistics, faa, airline fleet, book flight, fly, adventure travel, guide, and air travel in general.

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