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Non-stop flights from OGG Kahului HI

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Kahului HI (OGG).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Anchorage AK ANC 13 2797 46% 5.95 5.65 495.27
Chicago IL ORD 31 4184 81% 7.78 7.42 564.09
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 62 3711 89% 7.12 6.75 550.15
Denver CO DEN 62 3302 71% 6.37 6.05 545.86
Hana HI HNM 62 28 48% 0.38 0.27 104.37
Hilo HI ITO 140 121 61% 0.98 0.82 148.08
Honolulu HI HNL 819 100 69% 0.67 0.39 259.42
Hoolehua HI MKK 387 46 89% 0.48 0.36 126.05
Kamuela HI MUE 62 79 69% 0.77 0.62 127.66
Kona HI KOA 366 84 68% 0.73 0.55 151.73
Lanai HI LNY 103 35 73% 0.49 0.38 92.67
Las Vegas NV LAS 75 2695 47% 5.57 5.25 513.66
Lihue HI LIH 93 201 84% 0.83 0.56 356.06
Long Beach CA LGB 62 2498 68% 5.15 4.84 515.79
Los Angeles CA LAX 433 2486 78% 5.20 4.82 515.49
Newark NJ EWR 23 4904 64% 9.34 8.97 547.00
Oakland CA OAK 94 2349 77% 4.86 4.55 515.84
Phoenix AZ PHX 111 2845 71% 5.75 5.43 524.34
Portland OR PDX 67 2562 80% 5.30 4.96 516.41
Sacramento CA SMF 62 2404 92% 4.94 4.63 519.42
Salt Lake City UT SLC 31 2935 82% 5.74 5.39 544.28
San Diego CA SAN 156 2541 64% 5.31 5.00 508.41
San Francisco CA SFO 215 2338 75% 4.81 4.49 520.50
San Jose CA SJC 127 2355 75% 4.85 4.54 518.55
Seattle WA SEA 184 2640 77% 5.46 5.08 520.19

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from OGG, nonstop flights from Kahului HI, nonstop flights OGG to, direct flights from Kahului HI, OGG airport, Kahului HI airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: upgrade, crow flies, domestic flight, and air travel in general.

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