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Non-stop flights from BUR Burbank CA

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Burbank CA (BUR).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Albuquerque NM ABQ 2 672 98% 2.81 2.45 274.29
Arcata/Eureka CA ACV 17 564 73% 1.69 1.24 454.77
Austin TX AUS 29 1241 91% 3.05 2.70 460.22
Bend/Redmond OR RDM 14 709 71% 2.03 1.51 469.31
Bozeman MT BZN 17 885 52% 2.45 1.97 450.00
Chicago IL MDW 29 1740 92% 3.97 3.55 489.98
Concord CA CCR 18 333 82% 1.36 0.92 361.45
Dallas TX DAL 30 1243 93% 3.09 2.75 452.64
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 61 1231 91% 3.25 2.71 454.55
Deer Lodge MT VWW 2 891 35% 2.07 1.84 483.80
Denver CO DEN 151 850 85% 2.36 1.93 440.03
Eugene OR EUG 17 732 83% 2.04 1.56 468.70
Grand Junction CO GJT 17 642 50% 1.80 1.44 445.47
Houston TX HOU 31 1389 88% 3.34 3.01 462.01
Las Vegas NV LAS 421 223 74% 1.18 0.72 310.87
Medford OR MFR 18 615 62% 1.77 1.34 459.34
Monterey CA MRY 18 256 52% 1.14 0.75 340.49
Nashville TN BNA 29 1791 93% 4.08 3.69 485.94
New York NY JFK 28 2465 92% 5.46 4.91 502.02
Oakland CA OAK 279 325 75% 1.18 0.83 393.16
Ogden UT OGD 24 594 71% 1.85 1.40 423.24
Pasco/Kennewick/Richland WA PSC 14 833 84% 2.18 1.74 478.60
Phoenix AZ AZA 22 391 49% 1.57 1.14 342.71
Phoenix AZ PHX 310 369 86% 1.55 1.10 336.21
Portland OR PDX 31 817 94% 2.18 1.78 458.55
Redding CA RDD 14 486 58% 1.53 1.15 423.93
Reno NV RNO 45 374 56% 1.28 0.95 393.84
Sacramento CA SMF 154 358 75% 1.24 0.91 391.98
Salt Lake City UT SLC 175 574 76% 1.85 1.43 400.76
San Francisco CA SFO 71 326 75% 1.19 0.84 388.79
San Jose CA SJC 149 296 66% 1.05 0.75 395.67
Santa Rosa CA STS 52 387 68% 1.40 1.00 388.49
Seattle WA SEA 107 937 95% 2.53 2.04 459.97

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from BUR, nonstop flights from Burbank CA, nonstop flights BUR to, direct flights from Burbank CA, BUR airport, Burbank CA airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: airport lounge, distance between, united states, air travel, fare, book flight, passenger, and air travel in general.

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