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Non-stop flights from BIL Billings MT

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Billings MT (BIL).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Chicago IL ORD 30 1061 66% 2.88 2.26 470.28
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 61 1081 80% 2.66 2.31 468.28
Denver CO DEN 171 455 66% 1.68 1.22 372.12
Glasgow MT GGW 60 189 60% 1.22 1.12 168.75
Glendive MT GDV 59 201 38% 1.18 1.08 186.12
Havre MT HVR 63 197 49% 1.28 1.18 166.96
Las Vegas NV LAS 8 754 84% 2.11 1.84 410.34
Los Angeles CA LAX 9 970 59% 2.50 2.18 445.41
Minneapolis MN MSP 52 748 78% 1.91 1.61 464.89
Phoenix AZ AZA 13 878 85% 2.23 1.96 447.61
Portland OR PDX 39 679 69% 2.27 1.99 341.03
Rapid City SD RAP 2 295 80% 1.14 0.75 393.33
Salt Lake City UT SLC 123 387 63% 1.40 1.03 376.24
San Diego CA SAN 9 1013 68% 2.46 2.21 458.14
Seattle WA SEA 93 664 74% 2.46 2.14 310.55
Sidney MT SDY 149 245 60% 1.27 1.17 209.40
Wolf Point MT OLF 61 211 56% 1.21 1.11 190.07

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from BIL, nonstop flights from Billings MT, nonstop flights BIL to, direct flights from Billings MT, BIL airport, Billings MT airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: nonstop, faa, airport, plane, fare, non-stop, international travel, non stop, first class, united states, destination, usa, terminal, airport lounge, travel, flight booking, flight planning, and air travel in general.

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