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Non-stop flights from BLV Belleville IL

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Belleville IL (BLV).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Charleston SC CHS 8 674 70% 1.76 1.44 468.87
Fort Lauderdale FL FLL 9 1028 78% 2.57 2.26 455.76
Jacksonville FL JAX 8 723 81% 2.20 1.54 470.24
Las Vegas NV LAS 9 1400 90% 3.40 3.03 461.54
Myrtle Beach SC MYR 14 696 82% 1.89 1.48 470.72
Punta Gorda FL PGD 25 921 85% 2.29 2.01 458.67
Sanford FL SFB 21 835 81% 2.10 1.84 453.10
Sarasota/Bradenton FL SRQ 9 876 83% 2.22 1.88 466.51
Savannah GA SAV 9 658 68% 1.74 1.49 441.94
St. Petersburg FL PIE 25 841 92% 2.13 1.84 458.06
Valparaiso FL VPS 54 587 73% 1.77 1.35 435.41

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from BLV, nonstop flights from Belleville IL, nonstop flights BLV to, direct flights from Belleville IL, BLV airport, Belleville IL airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: calculate distance, airport code, business class, seat, airport club, flight information, airport cities, domestic flight, distance calculator, cheap flights, usa, from, airline fleet, upgrade, flight status, schedule, flight planning, and air travel in general.

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