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Non-stop flights from ACY Atlantic City NJ

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Atlantic City NJ (ACY).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Asheboro NC 2NC 3 392 85% 1.17 0.99 396.40
Atlanta GA ATL 17 679 88% 2.12 1.65 412.74
Boston MA BOS 2 274 74% 1.30 0.93 296.22
Buffalo NY BUF 2 323 59% 1.27 0.96 337.04
Butler PA BTP 2 299 50% 1.10 0.90 332.22
East Farmingdale NY FRG 37 107 67% 0.80 0.59 181.19
Fort Lauderdale FL FLL 73 977 84% 2.92 2.26 432.47
Fort Myers FL RSW 34 982 86% 2.62 2.31 424.33
Latrobe PA LBE 3 263 50% 1.07 0.84 311.45
Morristown NJ MMU 2 93 38% 0.60 0.40 232.50
Myrtle Beach SC MYR 43 466 63% 1.48 1.15 406.04
New London/Groton CT GON 2 186 22% 0.82 0.62 297.60
New York NY JFK 4 92 71% 0.99 0.52 176.64
New York NY LGA 4 98 90% 0.76 0.49 199.32
Newark NJ EWR 4 88 87% 1.25 0.51 173.11
Orlando FL MCO 87 852 88% 2.45 1.99 428.09
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre PA AVP 5 143 30% 0.78 0.58 247.98
St. Petersburg FL PIE 3 922 72% 2.37 2.09 441.38
Tampa FL TPA 30 913 91% 2.53 2.22 411.78
Toronto Canada YYZ 2 391 25%
Waterbury CT OXC 2 159 44% 0.91 0.74 214.38
West Palm Beach/Palm Beach FL PBI 18 936 87% 2.53 2.25 416.34
White Plains NY HPN 3 120 11% 0.86 0.63 191.15

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from ACY, nonstop flights from Atlantic City NJ, nonstop flights ACY to, direct flights from Atlantic City NJ, ACY airport, Atlantic City NJ airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: adventure travel, airport ranking, hub, calculate distance, mph, upgrade, seat, international travel, destination, united states, jet, flight hours, non stop, flights to, and air travel in general.

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