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Non-stop flights from OME Nome AK

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Nome AK (OME).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Anchorage AK ANC 47 539 42% 1.68 1.50 360.44
Brevig Mission AK KTS 26 64 23% 0.45 0.38 168.36
Elim AK ELI 42 95 30% 0.68 0.62 154.25
Emmonak AK EMK 4 123 33% 0.73 0.67 184.50
Gambell AK GAM 36 197 38% 0.92 0.85 232.14
Golovin AK GLV 27 73 35% 0.54 0.47 154.79
Kotzebue AK OTZ 56 183 48% 0.89 0.74 247.64
Koyuk AK KKA 20 130 50% 0.80 0.73 177.47
Savoonga AK SVA 60 163 37% 0.77 0.70 231.39
Shaktoolik AK SKK 7 127 41% 0.78 0.71 178.39
Shishmaref AK SHH 73 122 35% 0.76 0.70 174.91
St. Michael AK SMK 7 124 61% 0.77 0.70 175.95
Stebbins AK WBB 30 118 52% 0.78 0.72 164.65
Teller AK TLA 38 57 37% 0.47 0.41 140.04
Unalakleet AK UNK 29 147 52% 0.86 0.79 186.02
Wales AK WAA 20 109 31% 0.77 0.70 155.16
White Mountain AK WMO 27 62 35% 0.46 0.40 156.69

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from OME, nonstop flights from Nome AK, nonstop flights OME to, direct flights from Nome AK, OME airport, Nome AK airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: distance calculator, direct flight, travel agent, international travel, airplane, airport code, tracking, stats, airport, terminal, and air travel in general.

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