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Non-stop flights from AKN King Salmon AK

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from King Salmon AK (AKN).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Anchorage AK ANC 290 288 73% 1.22 1.08 266.14
Brooks Lodge AK RBH 448 32 56% 0.36 0.30 107.27
Chignik AK KCQ 6 185 5% 1.42 1.35 137.04
Chignik Bay AK KCG 3 176 7% 1.63 1.52 116.04
Cold Bay AK CDB 3 332 81% 1.73 1.52 218.10
Dillingham AK DLG 58 71 48% 0.65 0.55 128.89
Egegik AK EGX 32 43 19% 0.47 0.41 106.12
Igiugig AK IGG 12 52 16% 0.48 0.41 125.64
Iliamna AK ILI 3 97 45% 0.67 0.61 160.18
Kodiak AK ADQ 7 165 94% 1.18 1.14 144.38
Kulik Lake AK LKK 3 59 14% 0.31 0.24 246.98
Larsen Bay AK KLN 4 126 100% 0.67 0.60 210.00
Levelock AK KLL 24 32 31% 0.38 0.31 103.32
Perryville AK KPV 7 213 1% 1.48 1.40 151.88
Pilot Point AK PIP 23 83 32% 0.76 0.68 121.59
Port Heiden AK PTH 20 140 14% 1.17 1.10 127.76
Seattle WA SEA 4 1603 98% 3.81 3.38 474.38
South Naknek AK WSN 18 13 22% 0.22 0.16 82.11
Ugashik AK UGS 5 84 13% 0.83 0.76 110.53
Unalaska AK DUT 4 503 86% 2.35 2.22 226.92
Valdez AK VDZ 3 399 97% 1.68 1.61 247.66
Yakutat AK YAK 7 606 100% 2.50 2.40 252.25

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from AKN, nonstop flights from King Salmon AK, nonstop flights AKN to, direct flights from King Salmon AK, AKN airport, King Salmon AK airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: tracking, red eye flight, passenger, gateway, busiest airport, airline, flight, airport ranking, flights to, airline fleet, ticket, and air travel in general.

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