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Non-stop flights from A43 Kodiak Island AK

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Kodiak Island AK (A43).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Amook Bay AK AOS 9 57 25% 0.74 0.70 81.21
Cooper Lodge AK JLA 3 210 66% 0.49 0.46 460.98
Danger Bay AK DGB 41 25 30% 0.40 0.37 67.29
Hallo Bay AK A03 30 76 64% 0.90 0.87 87.41
Kiluda Bay AK A29 6 42 61% 0.59 0.56 75.22
Kitoi Bay AK KKB 16 28 27% 0.41 0.38 73.85
Kizhuyak AK 06A 5 18 30% 0.31 0.27 65.85
Larsen Bay AK KLN 2 61 16% 0.67 0.63 96.32
Lazy Bay AK ALZ 10 93 28% 0.95 0.92 101.09
Moser Bay AK KMY 3 84 35% 0.88 0.85 98.82
Olga Bay AK KOY 10 81 33% 0.86 0.82 98.18
Onion Bay AK ONN 2 37 72%
Port Bailey AK KPY 7 26 25% 0.46 0.43 61.01
Red Fox Bay AK A76 7 48 40% 0.57 0.54 89.60
Seal Bay AK SYB 20 42 40% 0.59 0.56 74.89
Uganik AK UGI 2 34 45% 0.57 0.53 63.75
West Point AK KWP 4 43 52% 0.61 0.57 74.78

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from A43, nonstop flights from Kodiak Island AK, nonstop flights A43 to, direct flights from Kodiak Island AK, A43 airport, Kodiak Island AK airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: busiest airport, distance between, flights from, and air travel in general.

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